showing 1 game

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Rockman Battle & Fighters  Capcom2000Game description from [[link:]]:

This is a scaled-down version of the two Rockman (Megaman) arcade games: Rockman the Power Battle, and Rockman the Power Fighters. Hence the "Battle and Fighters" in the title there. For the unaware, these games essentially pit Rockman with a bunch of Robot Masters, so you’re essentially playing the game, just without all that boring "level" stuff. Capcom actually does a really good job of converting the games; sadly there’s only about maybe three total tunes here in the NGPC version, and the characters look amazingly 8-bit. The backgrounds look super sweet though. Oh, and why the hell is Power Fighters so damn easy? Like, right in the middle of every battle, Rush or Beat or somebody else comes along and makes you invincible, or kills the enemy for you, or something. I never could understand what the hell was with that.

Incomplete unofficial English translation available: